The credit for our industry renowned quality is given to our small, yet skilled team of employees. Although we all have multiple duties branching out into many different areas of the business, we incorporate a simplistic approach. Not having a middleman between stations of each job cuts out miscommunication and makes completing the parts correct, timely, and easy for us.
High Aptitude Workers: Because our shop employees are our most valued assets, we make it a priority to care for them like family. Our heavy regard for our team leaves us with a very low turnover rate. This, in turn, gives us time to cultivate and exploit the skill and experience within each of our team members.
Tolerance Quality: Our cut tolerances are approximately 1/16 of an inch for both plate edges and holes.
Lead Time Quality: We make it a point to give correctly estimated lead times for the sake of your business. We will not misinform lead times in the lewd effort to receive your work.
Quality Control Management: We are proud to have a team member that has both the passion, and the expertise for quality control. If you would like more information on our quality system, feel free to call and ask for our Quality Control Manager, Luis Penaloza.